Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holy crap! My First POST!!

Ain't this exciting! Ill be posting about tires and tire safety...Because i of all people have learned that $200-$300 dollars are not worth having an empty bedroom at home...Ill explain more on this a bit later...Stay tuned Cheers :)

Discount Tire Coupons

1 comment:

  1. My husband has worked for Discount Tire for over ten years now. Sad to say I have heard about this kind of thing happening all the time. I am glad there are more people out there trying to educate people of these dangers. You change your oil every 3000 miles because its only $20.00. If you rotate your tires every other oil change (6000 miles) that is when you get your tire inspection. This is when you(or service person)is checking for wear on your tires. This will also give you advance warning that tires may be needed soon.

    You put gas in your car to make it go, you change the oil to keep it running, you change the tires to keep you (and others on the road) safe. Discount Tire has over 700 stores accross the united states. They offer free tire inspections. Save a life and take a few minutes of your day to check your tires every 6000 miles.
